02 June 2009

Orphaned Sandals

To enter the June Capsule Challenge officially, I needed to post my picture of my orphan item. I'm a little late with it, but I finally got the photo off of my camera! Here is my orphan:


And the fabric:


Yes, I know it's the same fabric I used for the JCC last year, but it's what I have, and buying more fabric is just not in the cards this summer. Besides, the items I sewed last year aren't even in my closet anymore! I've lost a fair bit of weight this past year, and I really need new clothes!

Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to sew. I know a few things right off the bat, because of what I need. I need tops, badly. So I'm leaning toward three of those, and one bottoms. Obviously my orphan is my accessory. I think that's how it works when your orphan is a pair of shoes. The question is what patterns am I going to sew? I'm also using patterns I already own, rather than buying any. Since the goal is to sew with a plan, I intend to make my fashion board prior to starting. Ok, I had actually intended to get all the planning finished this weekend, BEFORE the contest began, but that is not what happened. With any luck, I'll be planned and sewing before this weekend, but I never can be too sure about these things.

I mean, what pants pattern is going to look good in lime green? And it has to be pants, because I have more than enough skirts. I even have skirts that will match this capsule, once it's done. Then again, I do have a softer green lightweight suiting, which could work quite nicely for pants, but that would be a totally different capsule, wouldn't it? Yep, more planning is definitely needed.

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